College and Young Professional Activities

Regular Events

  • Saturdays at Schuyler

    Every Saturday, Schuyler Hall hosts a time of prayer, dinner, and a cultural activity (speaker, movie discussion, sports, etc.), from 5:45pm – 8:30pm.

  • Evenings of Recollection

    On one Thursday evening each month, Schuyler Hall offers an evening of recollection–a time for personal prayer and examination in silence–from 7:40pm – 9:20pm, followed by refreshments.

  • Retreats

    In addition to the retreats for professional men offered by Murray Hill Conference Center, Schuyler Hall organizes spring and fall retreats for young men in the New York metropolitan area.

  • Classes on Christian Life

    Schuyler Hall offers regular classes, organized by availability, on integrating Christian teaching into one’s ordinary professional work and family and social life.


Personal Formation


OptimalWork Mentoring


OptimalWork is a new psychology of challenge that is based on cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), the latest neuroscience, and classical virtue theory. By learning to approach challenge, you can free yourself from anxiety and distraction and work at your best. Learn more about OptimalWork here.

Schuyler Hall offers a mentoring program designed to help tailor the OptimalWork program to one’s studies and work.


Spiritual Direction


Priests of the Prelature of Opus Dei are available for personal spiritual direction at Schuyler Hall.


Service Opportunities


Visits to the Poor

Schuyler Hall organizes regular visits to serve the homeless in midtown Manhattan and in other parts of the city.


Teaching Catechism

Every Sunday morning during the school year, a group of volunteers from Schuyler Hall helps teach catechism to 3rd through 8th graders at St. Rita of Cascia parish in the Bronx. The program is run by the Missionaries of Charity (founded by St. Mother Teresa).